Serving the Maine Counties of Kennebec, Waldo & Lincoln

At Capital Area “It’s All About You!”
Mission Statement:
To provide affordable financial products and services while maintaining financial stability!
Who we are:
Capital Area Federal Credit Union is a not for profit, member owned organization that has been proud to serve our community members for over 65 years. We have grown over time but have not forgotten who we are and those who have supported us over the years. We offer a full range of financial products and services; from share accounts to checking accounts; youth saver programs and teen accounts to Midas (senior) accounts; we have IRA products, and a wide variety of lending products from personal loans to real estate and commercial loans. We offer a variety of electronic services so that your account information is at you fingertips 24/7.
Join the CAFCU Family:
If you live, work, worship or attend school, a business and/or other legal entities located in Kennebec, Waldo or Lincoln County, and/or you are a relative of a current member or reside in the same household*, then you are eligible to join. With a $25.00 deposit into your share (savings) account, you will gain access to all the benefits of now being a member.
*Household is defined as persons living in the same residence and who maintain a single economic unit, including family members, domestic partners, foster children and legal guardian relationships.
Our membership rate and fee schedule available upon request.
History is about going back in time to look at where one started and be proud of where you are and what you have become. Although the Capital Area Federal Credit Union charter was established in 1954, our history goes back even further to 1935. Through a path of consolidation, several different credit unions became one. They may have been different in many ways but they all had the same goal and vision: to offer financial services to those that otherwise would not have access and to develop a better financial situation for their neighbors, friends, and family. For us over 78 years, the mission of “People-Helping-People” continued to develop under many different names and several different charter numbers; but, in the end, the final name of Capital Area Federal Credit Union was chosen and still functions today under the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) charter number 9919. We have a rich and progressive history, but, no matter how much we changed and grown, we have always kept our roots planted in our local communities and we have never forgotten where we came from. This history is our guide to where we are going and our plans for the future.
Kennebec Journal Employee Federal Credit-Charter #671
In October 1935, the same year the Federal Credit Union Act came into Law, a small group of 7 men established the Kennebec Journal Employees Federal Credit Union, charter number 671. This credit union would operate in the Augusta, Gardiner, Hallowell, and Winthrop territories in Maine. The field of membership would be limited to those having the common bond association, occupation, or residence of those employees working for the Kennebec Journal newspaper and members of their immediate families and any association of such employees. These same 7 men envisioned this not-for-profit credit union to be able to accumulate savings that would then provide a source of borrowing to the employees and their families and did so for the next 49 years under the name of Kennebec Journal Federal Credit Union.
Augusta Pulp & Sulphite Federal Credit Union-Charter #9919
In 1954, Augusta Pulp & Sulphite Federal Credit Union, charter number 9919, was established in Augusta Maine, with the signing of the Federal Charter by 10 men and women, all laborers in the local pulp and paper industry. The field of membership was limited to employees and their immediate families, and organizations of such persons of the Kennebec Pulp & Paper Company, a division of Hudson Pulp & Paper Corporation. In the late 1960’s the company changed ownership, so the charter was reworded to read “employees of Statler Tissue Corporation, immediate families and organizations of such persons. The mill, as the credit union, was located on the banks of the Kennebec River in the capital city of Augusta, Maine. During this time the credit union was an extremely important source of savings and credit to the members, many of whom were having issues securing credit elsewhere. The credit union was a source of saving stability for those underserved and viewed as a risk by the finance companies and banks in the area. In 1972, NCUA approved the amendment of bylaws section 5 in reference to “field of membership” to persons who reside in, or work in, the city of Augusta, Maine; unmarried spouses of persons who died while within the field of membership of the credit union; employees of the credit union; member of their immediate families; and organizations of such persons.
Augusta (ME) Municipal Federal Credit Union-Charter #9431
In 1954, Augusta (ME) Municipal Federal Credit Union was established with the charter number of 9431, located in Augusta, Maine, it was established by 7 men and women, with the field of membership limited to those having the common bond association, occupation, or resident of employees of the City of Augusta, Maine; employees of the credit union, members of their immediate families; and organizations of such persons. In 1965 the name was changed to Kennebec County Federal Credit Union.
East Augusta Federal Credit Union
In 1954, East Augusta Federal Credit Union was established to serve those consumers that lived and worked on the East Side of Augusta, Maine. For the next 33 years, East Augusta Federal Credit Union served the East side of Augusta offering savings and loans to the community. In June of 1975, East Augusta merged with Augusta Pulp & Sulphite Federal Credit Union with the surviving credit union name East Augusta Federal Credit Union and continued charter number of 9919. In 1987 East Augusta Federal Credit Union merged with Capital Area Federal Credit Union.
Kennebec County Federal Credit Union-charter #9431
In 1965, after the name change, Kennebec County Federal Credit Union continued to grow and receive requests for membership. The name change better served the field of membership of the City of Augusta employees in the Kennebec County. In 1977, the credit union continued to receive letters from the Chairman of the County Commissioners office requesting Special Employee Group (SEG) approval as they wanted to give an added benefit to their employees of the advantage of credit union services that they probably wouldn’t get elsewhere. So, in July 1977, the charter change was approved to include the employees of Kennebec County and the major work locations of these employees, including teachers within the Kennebec County area.
Capital Area Federal Credit Union-charter #9919
Then in 1984, Kennebec Journal Federal Credit Union, charter number 671 merged with Capital Area Federal Credit Union. In addition to the merger, the charter was also amended to include nine (9) additional special employee groups (“seg”); Gannett Graphic Company, Pine State Tobacco & Candy Co., Hallowell Shoe Company, Goold Health Systems, Hallowell Printing Company, Augusta True Value, and Artiste Trophy Co. as well as their immediate families. As our reputation of offering affordable financial services to our community grew, Capital Area Federal Credit Union (still under the charter number 671), acquired additional “seg” groups of Paul F Zendzian, P.A. firm, Frank Pomerleau Inc. and its subsidiary N.R.F Distribution Inc., Augusta Holiday Inn and J&S Oil, Inc. By the end of 1985, Capital Area had grown by leaps and bounds and acquired the “seg” group Transco and their wholly owned subsidiaries and/or franchises which included Mattson’s Home Decorator Center, Trends Interiors, Discount Office Products and Wendy’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers and the list goes on for several more years after. In April 1987, the merger of East Augusta Federal Credit Union and Capital Area Federal Credit Union was approved. The surviving credit union was Capital Area Federal Credit Union with charter number of 9919 (established in 1954 by Augusta Pulp and Sulphite FCU). With this merger, charter number 9919, now under Capital Area Federal Credit Union; the vision of a diversed membership became reality. With the knowledge and history of the credit unions before; we knew what would work and what wouldn’t. In 1994, another opportunity developed for Capital Area Federal Credit Union and Kennebec County Federal Credit Union, and on November 30, 1994, a merger was completed and the surviving credit union was Capital Area, with the continued charter number 9919. Now we fast forward to 2003/2004 when NCUA approved a charter change to our field of membership. This community charter enabled the credit union to serve anyone who lives works, worships and attends school in all of Kennebec, Lincoln and Waldo Counties. At Capital Area we have always tried to build products and services that best meet the needs of our members, so our tag line was then developed; “It’s All About You”. During the long history of this credit union the functions were sometimes handled out of the manager’s kitchen or basement, an office space built in old homes, and even out of what once was a closet in the old Kennebec Journal Newspaper building. In 2007 the decision was made to take our philosophy of building products and services around the needs of our members and a plan to build a facility that also meets their needs was initiated. It is so important to note that this project was very unique. We didn’t follow the traditional route and hire a big construction firm; we wanted this facility to be special, something the entire membership and community could be proud of; so our facility was built by members, for members. From the construction of the building, furniture and fixtures, flooring and painting, right down to the artwork and pictures that would hang on the walls. When we couldn’t use a member, we used a local community business.
Current Lobby and Drive Through Hours:
Monday | 8:00am – 5:00pm |
Tuesday | 8:00am – 5:00pm |
Wednesday | 8:00am – 5:00pm |
Thursday | 8:00am – 5:00pm |
Friday | 8:00am – 5:00pm |
Meet the People Who Work for You!
Diana Winkley, President/CEO
Employed since 1989
Shauna Magee, Vice President
Employed since 2000
Patti Couverette, Consumer Loan Officer I
Employed since 2006
Amy Crommett, Operations Manager
Employed since 2007
Justin Quirion, Accountant/IRA Specialist
Employed since 2014
Rae Murphy, Loan Clerk/Collections Officer
Employed since 2016
Stacey Doucette, Frontline Manager
Employed since 2017
Brooke Pelkey, MSR/Teller III
Employed since 2021
Valerie Lefebvre, Mortgages and Commercial Loan Officer II
Employed since 2021
Amanda Caron, Consumer Loan Officer I
Employed since 2022
Leah Douglas, MSR/Teller II/Debit Card Coordinator
Employed since 2022
Lisa Kimball, Accounting Clerk
Employed since 2023
Bridget Conlogue, MSR/Teller II
Employed since 2024
A Partner in your Community
Capital Area FCU understands the importance of family and community. We not only strive to provide our members with outstanding service, but also dedicate ourselves to enhancing the communities in which we serve. Capital Area FCU works together to provide both time and monetary donations to help local organizations and charities within the community.
In 2023 your Staff, Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee and Nominating Committee gave freely of their time, talents, and energy throughout the year by contributing to several great causes. Together, we volunteered over 1150 hours of our personal time for several different organizations including CULAC, Kiwanis Club, Walk for Hope, KV Chamber, Kennebec Valley Chapter of Credit Unions Financial Fitness Fairs, Old Fort Western, Randolph Firefighter Association, Youth Athletes, Small Wood Lot Associates, Windsor Historical Society and Soil & Water Conservation. The credit union also as sponsored events such as the WABK Love Fund, Partnered with Snow Pond and the Boys and Girls Club Teen Center, Bread of Life, Travis Mills Plane Pull, Augusta Schools Book Drive, Lions Club Charity Calendar, among other worthy causes and memorial donations for members we lost, all of which resulted in over $9,000.00 in donations.
2023 was another great year of fundraising, all from the support for our members and the communities of which we serve. The majority of Capital Area’s fund-raising efforts go to Maine CU League Ending Hunger and Special Olympics Maine. In 2023 we raised $1100.00 for Ending Hunger in Maine and for the 2022/2023 campaign for Special Olympics Maine, Capital Area FCU raised $11,000.00 by holding events like our Annual Hot Dog BBQ, our Annual Yard Sale, our Employee Bowl a Thon, Pie Face, our Holiday Craft Fair, the Lobster Raffle, and our ongoing Book Sales, just to name a few.
We believe in “People helping People” and believe in supporting our community whenever we can, however we know we cannot do it without the support of our members, family, and friends.
Capital Area FCU e-Blast!
View the current e-Blast issue here:
- October 2024 Capital Area FCU e-Blast!
Or view earlier issues here:
- April 2024 Capital Area FCU e-Blast!
- January 2024 Capital Area FCU e-Blast!
- October 2023 Captial Area FCU e-Blast!
- February 2023 Capital Area FCU e-Blast!
- November 2022 Capital Area FCU e-Blast!
- August 2022 Capital Area FCU e-Blast!
- April 2022 Capital Area FCU e-Blast!
- November 2021 Capital Area FCU e-Blast!
- May 2021 Capital Area FCU e-Blast!
- January 2021 Capital Area FCU e-Blast!
- June 2020 Capital Area FCU e-Blast!
- January 2020 Capital Area FCU e-Blast!
- The April 2019 Capital Area FCU e-Blast!
- The January 2019 Capital Area FCU e-Blast!
- The September 2018 Capital Area FCU e-Blast!
- The May 2018 Capital Area FCU e-Blast!
- The January 2018 Capital Area FCU e-Blast!
- The October 2017 Capital Area FCU e-Blast!
- The October 2016 Capital Area FCU e-News!
- The February 2016 Capital Area FCU e-News!
- The November 2015 Capital Area FCU e-News!
- The July 2015 Capital Area FCU e-News!
- The April 2015 Capital Area FCU e-News!
Truth-In-Savings Account Disclosure
Except as specifically described, the following disclosures apply to all the accounts listed on the Rate Schedule. |
1. Rate Information 2. Nature of Dividends 3. Compounding and Crediting 4. Accrual of Dividends 5. Balance Information 6. Account Limitations